Boards, Commissions, & Committees
Head of the Harbor Village Hall
500 North Country Rd.
St. James NY, 11780
Click on Board Name for More Detail | ||
Name | Schedule | Time |
Board of Trustees | 3rd Wednesday of each month except for July | 7:00 PM |
Planning Board | 2nd Tuesday of each month except July | 5:30 PM |
Board of Architectural Review | 1st Tuesday of each month | 7:00 PM |
Zoning Board of Appeals | As required, 3rd Monday of each month | 7:00 PM |
Deer Management Advisory Committee | Ad Hoc Committee | TBD |
Tree Board | A Board to Promote Healthy Trees | TBD |
Joint Village Coastal Management Commission | 1st Thursday of each month | 7:30 PM |